Astrophilatelist - Secretary – Jaromir MATEJKA 

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Secretary of the FIP Section for Astrophilately till 2016.
Mr. Jaromir ( Miri ) MATEJKA is one of the leading astrophilatelists of Austria.
Since a long time he has been Austrian representative of FIP-Section ASTROPHILATELY.
He is also entrusted with the agenda "fight against forgeries”. For this agenda he is keeping worldwide contacts with well-known experts and jury members. In auctions and internet he is watching for fakes (internet name-code "spacemiri”) and could thus effect the withdrawal of some fakes from auctions and eBay.
He is serving as observer for space themes in Austrian auctions-house "Dorotheum” and is compiling material concerning Austrian rocketmail and spacemail for Austrian philatelic catalog (A N K).
He is serving as accredited judge in Austria for AERO, ASTRO, YOUTH and THEMATIC. Currently he is AUSTRIAN NATIONAL COMMISSIONNER, too.
As exhibitor on international FIP-level he received once more GOLD for his ASTRO-exhibit "Race in space” which had been also displayed in several Courts of Honour.
His second collection, AERO-exhibit "rocketmail & spacemail” is on international FIP-level, and received FIP-GOLD medal, too.
The third collection, THEMATIC-exhibit "Future world” is on FEPA-level.
Since nearly 40 years he is collecting space exhibits with special interest in "space research” covering the period 1930 to 1960. Being in steady contact with many astronauts and cosmonauts , there were many meetings with them in his home in Vienna. He is also in close contacts worldwide with experts and judges in the field of AERO; ASTRO and Thematic.

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