Astrophilatelist - Member – Charles BROMSER 

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Chairman of the FIP Section for Astrophilately.
Charles Bromser started collecting stamps, from the start of the space age (1957), a passion that has continued to this day. His early collecting interests were stamps relating to space travel and traditional China, in particular Foreign Post Offices. Currently, he collects; rocket mail, the history of cosmology, WWII propaganda leaflets, famous people, USSR postal stationery (1961-1967) and the famous German women definitive issues (1986-2003).
He first took up the challenge of philatelic exhibiting at SYDPEX 80 with a bronze and continues this quest with some six active exhibits, the best of which first gained an International Large Gold at Belgica 2001 (Pioneer Rocket Mail).
He became involved in organised philately, as the foundation president of the Thematic Society of Australia in 1978 and the following year he helped found the China Philatelic Society. Since that time, he has been actively involved in a many philatelic groups including: the Australian Philatelic Federation, the Victorian Philatelic Council, the Royal Philatelic Society of Victoria, Polish Philatelic Society, ATA Space Unit, American Air Mail Society, and space stamps groups across the globe. Since 1990, he has represented Australia as a delegate to the FIP Astrophilately Section and has now been a Bureau member for six year. He is a National judge (Aero/Astro/Thematic/Postal Stationery/Open/One-frame) as well as a FIP judge (Thematic). Charles has been a philatelic writer for over thirty years, during this period he has written numerous articles about astrophilately both in Australia and overseas in publications such as the Air Post Journal, The Asia Pacific Exhibitor, Astrophile. He complied and edited the most recent Bureau work: An Illustrated Seminar on and Exhibiting Astrophilately New Edition the Guidelines for Judging Exhibits 2008.

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