Astrophilatelist - Chairman – Igor RODIN 

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Chairman of the Section since 2008 till 2016.
Date of Birth: 14 August 1962
Place of birth: Tula, USSR/Russia.
Profession: Pilot
Position: Captain Airbus 320, Aeroflot Russian Airlines
Languages: Russian, English.
He began to collect stamps in 1968.
Collecting interests: Astrophilately (with emphasize on Space Mail since 1979), Thematic (Aviation, Space, Painting), Chronology of Russia since 1992.
Exhibiting since 1996.
Astrophilatelic Exhibit "Space Mail form "Salyuts” to "Mir” – FIP Gold Award at "Spain 2000”, "Singapore 2004”, "Washington 2006”.
The Best Exhibit of the Class at the "Singapore 2004” World Stamp Championship.
Philatelic activity:
1997 – 2009 Vice-president of the Union of philatelists of Russia.
1997 – One of the Organizers of the FIP Seminar on Astrophilately, "Moscow’97”.
1998 – National Commissioner at "Juvalux’98”.
1998 – a Russian Delegate at the FIP Congress, "Italy’98”.
1998 – date, Russian delegate to the FIP Section for Astrophilately.
1999 - National Commissioner at "China’99”.
2000 - National Commissioner at "Bangkok 2000”.
2000 – a Russian Delegate at the FIP Congress, "Spain 2000”
2001 - National Commissioner at "Philanippon 2001”.
2004 – Jury Apprentice on Astrophilately "Spain 2004”.
2004 – Report on the FIP Seminar for Astrophilately, "Spain 2004”.
2006 - National Commissioner at "Washington 2006”.
2006 – date, AIEP member.
2007 – date, a Bureau member of the FIP Section for Astrophilately.
2008 – date, Chairman of the FIP Section for Astrophilately.
2009 – together with Section Secretary held Seminar on Astrophilately, "Bulgaria 2009”.
2010 - National Commissioner at "Portugal 2010”.
2010 – date, AIJP member.
2010 – FIP Seminar on Astrophilately "Portugal 2010”.
1994 – date, numerous articles in philatelic periodicals.
2005 – date, Issuing the "Space and Philately” quarterly bulletin.
2006 – a 250 page colour illustrated book "The First Mail of the International Space Station”.
2006 – Honorary member of Moscow Philatelic Society.
2007 – Lester E. Winick Award (ATA/APS SPACE UNIT).

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