Astrophilatelist - Member – Julius CACKA 

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Ing. Julius CACKA
Bureau Member of the FIP Section for Astrophilately till 2016.
Philatelic biography :
He was born 15.4.1947
He is a member of the  Union of Czech Philatelists (SČF) since 1965;
Chiev of specialized section SPACE of SČF and the redactor of bulletin SPACE since 1995;
National delegate in the FIP Section for Astrophilately since 1996;
Member of ASSS (Astro Space Stamp Society, UK) since 2002;
National juryman for Astrophilately class since 2003 n national juryman for Thematic class since 2004;
Member of AIJP (Association Internationale des Journalistes Philatéliques) since 2005;
Member of Presidium of the Union of Czech Philatelists since 2005;
Bureau member of the FIP Section for Astrophilately since 2009.
He has an Astrophilatelist exhibit „Cooperation of Russia in Space Exploration".
Expertly exhibit „Types and Forgeries of SPACE-theme Russian Postmarks".
Publication activity:
A lot of articles for journal FILATELIE (Czech Republic), bulletin SPACE (Czech Republic), Weltraum Philatelie (Germany). ORBIT (UK) etc.
Books and booklets:
Cacka/Pechánek: Man in Space (1996, 1998).
Cacka/Pechánek : Participants from space flights, volume I. – USA, volume II. - UdSSR.
Cacka/Pechánek : Exploration from space and Czech philatelic production (1997) – catalogue.
Cacka: Types and Forgeries of SPACE-theme Russian Postmarks (2006).
Cacka: Kosmodrom Baikonur – notes about postage history (2006).

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