Astrophilatelist - Moscow'97 

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Two Day Seminar on Astrophilately held at Moscow’97 World Exhibition.
Thanks to the President of the Union of Russian Philatelists, Alexander Ilyushin, and the great support of Michael Adler, FIP Coordinator for Moscow’97, a two day Seminar took place on 24th and 25th October 1997 in Moscow.
The Seminar started with an Excursion to Star Town organized by Igor Rodin. 31 delegates, jurors and exhibitors went to visit the home and Training Center for Cosmonauts and were welcomed by Beatrice Bachmann, Leader of the Section.
Lecture on official Russian Space Mail. The participants had the opportunity to study official Space mail carried on space flights of the Cosmonauts on special display in the Star City Museum and to visit the Training Center with the training model of the complete MIR complex, the gigantic centrifuge and could observe the Cosmonauts Victor Afanasjev and Sergey Treshchyov at under water training in the hydro-laboratory who afterwards stood for discussion and questions.

From the left: I.Rodin, cosmonauts S.Treschjov and V.Afanasjev.

The "MIR" orbital station simulator.

Seminar on 25th October 1997 was held in the Congress hall of Hotel Russia in Moscow. It was attended by 47 participants from 15 countries.
Alexander Ilyushin, President of the Russian Federation and Beatrice Bachmann welcomed the participating National and International jurors and exhibitors and specially welcomed the presence of the Cosmonauts, Viktor Afanasjev, Aleksander Poleschuk, and Georgiy Gretchko, and of Paolo Vollmeier, President of the FIP Commission against Forgeries, and Reinhold Schmidt, Member of the FIP Expert Team.
The first part of the Astrophilately Seminar was dedicated to the SREVs and Revision of the Guidelines and proposals of changes submitted concerning Russian material and the philatelic definition of the "Cosmic” mail were discussed by showing appropriate examples on this subject. A final version of the Guidelines was approved by the Russian representatives present. The discussion was led by Beatrice Bachmann as Leader of the FIP Section for Astrophilately.
The second part was a discussion on Russian space mail and the status of certain covers which had recently turned up. Walter Hopferwieser, newly elected expert in this field, led the discussion, assisted by Cosmonauts and Russian specialists present, which resulted in useful clarification. Cosmonaut Poleschuk promised also on behalf of his colleagues to try to find ways to protect their space mail from forgeries.

Lesson from cosmonaut A>Poleschuk. On the left is B.Bachmann.

From the left: cosmonaut A.Poleschuk, W.Hopferwieser, I.Rodin.

Igor Rodin, Vice President of the Russian Federation served on both days for the English/Russian translation.

From the left: I.Rodin, B.Bachmann, J.Matejka.

Seminar's lunch break.
From the left sitting: cosmonaut V.Afanasjev, B.Bachmann, cosmonaut A.Poleschuk.
Standing left - A.Iljushin, right - I.Rodin

Seminar's discussing.

Compiled by Beatrice Bachmann.
September 2010.


Standing from the left: A.Devjatin; A.Huggins, Jury Secretary; W.Hopferwieser, I.Rodin.
Sitting from the left: J.Dierauer, B.Bachmann

Sitting from the left: J.Dierauer, B.Bachmann, I.Rodin.
Standing - W.Hopferwieser.

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