Astrophilatelist - Spain 2000 

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Spain 2000 FIP World Philatelic Exhibition.
Astrophilately Delegates Meeting.
Delegate's Meeting. From left to right: Francis Kiddle; Beatrice Bachmann; FIP Vice President Patrick Pearson (Great Britain) Coordinator of the Section; Miri Matejka; Dr. Reuben Ramkissoon; Ingolf Kapelrud (Beatrice Bachmann's photo).
After 15 years in office as Leader of the Section Beatrice Bachmann decided not to stay for re-election and finished her term with acknowledgments to:
Members of the Bureau for an excellent collaboration, understanding and friendship, some of whom she have worked with from the very beginning.
Dr. Reuben Ramkissoon "Ben” in the Bureau since 1985 who did excellent promotion in the USA, as President of the Space Unit society by holding lectures and seminars at National exhibitions, writing numerous articles on Astrophilately. For his pioneer work with the exhibit on US Space awarded a G medal at FIP exhibition and qualification as National Juror for Astrophilately.
Peter Wilhelm, Bureau member since 1985, President of the German Space Philately society with 350 members and editor of the Bulletin which achieved many awards at Exhibitions. With his society he organised the Garchinger Space Days a yearly specialised philatelic exhibition. He qualified as National Juror for Astrophilately and his exhibit obtained several times LV at FIP exhibitions.
José Grandela Bureau Member since 1992, Delegate since 1986 responsible in the Spanish Federation for Astrophilately and its promotion, who supported the Leader by translating all official paper and her articles from English to Spanish.
Ingolf Kapelrud from Norway, Bureau Member since 1996, who was of great help for the Section as President of the FEPA and looked after the interests of the Section in concern of European matters.
Jaromir "Miri” Matejka from Austria, Bureau Member since 1996 in charge of the fight against forgeries for his excellent research work concerning forgeries in philatelic material from Russia and the USA and his concern to find ways to prevail against fakes. His Astro exhibit has FIP G status.
Special thanks and appreciation she expressed to the Secretary Francis Kiddle Bureau Member since 1993 for his entirely and continuing commitment to give the Section support and recognition to this special philatelic field and moreover for his great help by taking care of copying and forwarding sometimes an enormous amount of official paper without charging the costs.
With deep regret the Leader referred to the sad news that George Lauwers, Bureau member from 1985-92 had passed away in May of this year. He was one of the most active astrophilatelists who had over 30 years supported the interests of this field in his Cosmos Society. He accredited as FIP juror and represented astrophilatelic interests as FISA Director and co-author of the Bulletin. As Delegate from Belgium he prepared his last report for 2000.
Delegates of the Section.
A close contact between a number of Delegates was most gratifying and it may be allowed to mention those who provided particular contribution to our work, such as Charles Bromser, Australia, one of the very first astrophilatelists and successful exhibitor and a welcome promoter of Astrophilately in Asia.
Julius Cacka, Czech Rep, an expert in Russian material who wrote a handbook with info on faked and original postmarks applied to Russian space missions.
Jean-Louis Lafon, France, who organised an Astrophilately Club in France as expert and exhibitor of European astrophilatelic material and took care of the translation of the Section’s SREV, Guidelines and Seminar paper into French.
Igor Rodin, Russia, Vice President of the Russian Philatelic Federation, who stayed in close contact with the Cosmonauts and gives excellent support in exchange of experience in concern of the status of Russian space mail.
Sincere thanks were also addressed from the Leader to all the Delegates for their cooperation and their efforts in promoting Astrophilately in their countries by increasing the interest of collectors and exhibitors in this philatelic field.
A Delegate in the early period of the Section was Egil Thomassen from Norway and he was highly welcomed in 1992 by the Leader as President of the Commission for Aerophilately and at the end of her term she cordially thanked him for the fine co-operation and friendship and his important support.
Finally Beatrice Bachmann thanked for the support given by the Presidents and the Members of the FIP Board, particularly during the beginning, Marie Louise Heiri, the FIP Secretary General, who has always been helpful and competent dealing with her inquiries, and all the National Federations for bestowing confidence in the Section by supporting the work with the hope for continuance.
Farewell words from the Leader.
It was a great challenge when 15 years ago she was elected as Leader of the Section and tried to do her best to fulfil the requirements and expectations and to justify the foundation of the Section for Astrophilately within the FIP. There will remain a lot of great memories and gratitude for the friendship she could meet in the course of the years within the great philatelic family of FIP.
Espana'2000 FIP Congress.

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