Astrophilatelist - Spain, Delegate José Grandela, 2011 Report. 

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1.- Conferences, interviews, lectures and presentations.
a) Mr. Grandela conference at the Official School of Telecommunications in Madrid on February 17 titled "Morse and the conquest of space”.
b) Interview with Mr. Grandela in Onda Madrid (101,3 Mhz and 106 Mhz) April 12 to mark the 50th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin’s space flight.
c) Talk about Astrophilately by Mr Esteban de la Osada, issued on May 7 int hte social local Philatelic and Numismatic Society of Alicante.
d) Interview with Mr. Grandela in the TV program of TVE-1 "Te acuerdas” ("Remember”) on May 25 on various aspects of the space race and supporting his intervention with astrophilatelic material. This program, approximately three minutes duration and is emitted into the newscast, you can see through the following link:
e) Mr. Grandela conference on July 13 with the title "The exploration of Mars through the stamps”, in the Summer Courses 2011 El Escorial from the Madrid Complutense University. This conference has been published on paper in two versions, Spanish and English.
f) Presentation of the astrophilaelic exhibit "Mars. The red challenge” by the Chairman of this Commission on November 26 in the hall of the Training and Visitors Center in Space Station NASA, located in Robledo de Chavela (Madrid), using several images of the exhibit on display in the room exposition.
g) Interview of Mr. Grandela in Onda Madrid on December 8 on the issue of space debris and their presence in different astrophilatelic issues.
2.- Artícles.
a) April 2011. "30 years of space shuttle” by Mr. Esteban de la Osada, published in the magazine El Eco Filatélico nr 1195.
b) May 2011. "Animals in Space” by Mr. Rigo, published in the Journal of Philately, Numismatics and Collectibles Group of Alicante.
c) November 2011. "The Apollo XV lunar souvenir” by Mr. Grandela, published in the digital page
d) November 2011. "Companies participating in the Project SPACELAB and space missions”, by Sr. Esteban de la Osada, published in the magazine El Eco Filatélico nr 1201.
e) December 2011. A remark of one page of the exhbit "Mars, the red challenge” displayed in Robledo de Chavela (Madrid), is published in Italian magazine AD*ASTRA 11 from ASITAF group.
3.- Presence of the Astrophilately in other events.
· As part of celebrations of the Spain-Russia Year 2011 has been mounted the exhibition "Innovation in Russia, Science and Technology” within which was held "Space Week” at the fair grounds Juan Carlos I in Madrid (IFEMA), days 12 to 15 May. Mr. Grandela presented in a magnificent display astrophilatelic stamps and covers from his own collection.
· With the launch of the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) and its rover Curiosity in the Training and Visitors Center of NASA located in Robledo de Chavela (Madrid), was exhibited from November 26 until early of January 2012 the astrophilatelic exhibit "Mars. The red challenge”, which was able to see various objects with astronauts and space suits and spacecraft models probe or a fragment of Moon rock brought back b the crew of Apollo XV. This activity, which appeared on the website of FESOFI, section News, was also cited in the following links:
- Web ofl Madrid Deep Space Communications Complex (MDSCC)
- Blog
- Blog
4.- Exhibitions.
National category (competitive) EXFILNA 2011. Valladolid, from 30 September to 8 October
- DEKKER, Jacob Pieter "Historia de los cohetes en el Espacio” 73 LS Tres Cuadros
- ESTEBAN DE LA OSADA, José Miguel "Laboratorio Espacial Spacelab 1983-1998” 73 LS
Autonomic category (competitive) VII Philatelic Exhbition of Catalunya. Torroella de Montgrí, from 19 to 27 November
- DEKKER, Jacob Pieter "Historia de los cohetes en el Espacio” 75 V
Regional, Local category (no competitive) Sant Lluís (Menorca) from 7 to 14 October
- RIGO AGUILO, Antoni "Marte. El desafío rojo”
Alicante, from 8 to 28 November
- ESTEBAN DE LA OSADA, José Miguel "Laboratorio Espacial Spacelab 1983-1998”
Inca (Mallorca) from 14 to 17 November
- RIGO AGUILO, Antoni "Venus, el lucero del alba” "Animales en el espacio”
Permanent Exhibition Fresnedillas de la Oliva (Madrid). Lunar Museum.
- GRANDELA DURAN, José Manuel Several astrophilatelic covers involved on tracking space station located in Spain.
Update on the Web of FESOFI of the Astrophilately Guidelines, initiative of Mr. Rigo, just as they appear in the web of the FIP.
E-mail correspondence between Spanish astrophilatelists by submitting astrophilatelic material, holding all kinds of comments, questions, doubts and suggestions, an addressing current issues nad history of the Astrophilately.
Given the historical significance that reflects the astrophilatelic material about the exact date and specific location of the space events, is the purpose of this Commission:
a) To promote the astrophilatelic exhibits in all types of exhibitions within the philatelic área (requesting admission to the organizers of these), and non-philatelic area (with special attention to the assembly of the exhibits).
b) Maintain and enter wherever possible, the kind of Astrophilately as a kind of stamp collectors fully differentiated from the rest.
c) To encourage collectors interested in space research to build astrophilatelic exhibits, either in the form of One frame or Three frames, as a prerequisite to get the five frames.
Palma de Mallorca, December 31, 2011
Signed: Antoni RIGO
Spanish Chairman Astrophilately Commission

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