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Main » 2016 » September » 01
China launched quantum communications satellite.

On August 15, 2016, at 17:40 UTC (on August 16 at 01:40 Beijing time) the “Long March –2D” (“Changzheng-2D”) rocket-carrier was launched from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in Jiuquan, Gansu Province, the northwest of China. The rocket orbited the Quantum Science Satellite. Officials nicknamed the satellite Micius — also known as Mozi — after an ancient Chinese philosopher and scientist. the Micius satellite will test out quantum communications over greater distances than ever tried on the ground. It will help establish an encrypted connection between ground stations in China and Austria with the help of scientists in both countries.

Looking through: 1014 | Date: 01.09.2016 | Rating: 0.0/0

SpaceX launched a Japanese satellite.

On August 14, 2016 at 05:26 UTC the “Falcon-9 FT” rocket-carrier was launched from Cape Canaveral launch site of US Air Force. The launch was performed by United Launch Alliance supported by the 45th Space Wing of US Air Force. The rocket orbited the Japanese “JCSat-16” video and data relay satellite. Built by Space Systems/Loral, a satellite manufacturer based in Palo Alto, California, the “JCSat-16” began a 15-year mission to connect people and businesses across Japan and the Asia-Pacific with video and data services.

Looking through: 1005 | Date: 01.09.2016 | Rating: 0.0/0

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