Astrophilatelist - 3. SCHIRRA, Walter 

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Walter Marty "Wally” SCHIRRA Jr.


7 Worldwide / 3 USA


Date of birth: March 12, 1923.


The 1st Space Flight:

  • Launch: October 03, 1962 at 12.15; Mercury 16 (Sigma 7), MA-8 flight. Commander.
  • Splash down: October 03, 1962 at 21.28; Mercury 16 (Sigma 7), MA-8 flight. Commander.
  • Flight duration: 00 day, 09 hour, 13 minutes, 11 seconds.

The 2nd Space Flight:

The first approaching of 2 manned space vehicles up to 25 – 30 centimeters.

  • Launch:  December 15, 1965 at 13.37; "Gemini 6”. Commander.
  • Splash down: December 16, 1965 at 15.28; "Gemini 6”. Commander
  • Flight duration: 01 days, 01 hours, 51 minutes, 24 seconds.

The 3rd Space Flight:

  • Launch: October 11, 1968 at 15.02; "Apollo 7”. Commander.
  • Splash down: October 22, 1968 at 11.11; "Apollo 7”. Commander
  • Flight duration: 10 day, 20 hour, 09 minutes, 03 seconds

Total space flights – 3.

Total time in space: 12 day, 07 hour, 13 minutes, 38 seconds.
Date of death: May 03, 2007.

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