ANTVERPIA 2010 European Philatelic Exhibition.
09 – 12 April 2010.
Class – Astrophilately
1. HOPFERWIESER, Walter (Austria)
"Pionierraketenpost und kosmische post.”
92 – Gold
2. HERSCHUNG, Manfred (Germany)
"Der Weg zum Mond – U.S. Mondlandemissionen.”
85 – Large Vermeil
3. BAUDUIN, Pierre (Belgium)
"The evolution of manned Russian Spaceflights.”
77 – Large Silver
4. VERHALLE, Jean-Marie (Belgium)
"Russian manned Spaceflights.”
76 - Large Silver
5. STAVRINOS, George (Cyprus)
"Apollo Project.”
76 - Large Silver
6. BEIMERS, Bartholomeus (the Netherlands)
"Stepping Stones to Space.”
75 - Large Silver
7. BEKAERT, Jacqueline (Belgium)
"China in Space.”
73 - Silver
Belgium National Philatelic Exhibition.
1. VAN GAEVER, Fredy
"Stallites to ur fellow planets.”
76 - Large Silver
”The development of the space shuttle.”
72 - Silver
Congratulations to all participants!!!
We also would like to congratulate Dr. Stefan Bruylants, President of Belgian Philatelic Society COSMOS, who served as a Jury apprentice (Class Astrophilately) at the FEPA Exhibition. |