Astrophilatelist - Berlin, 12 April 2017 

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International Cosmonautics Day in the Russian House of Science and Culture in Berlin.

On April 12, 2017, the International Cosmonautics Day was celebrated in the Russian House of Science and Culture in Berlin.

The Honored guests of the space festival were Soviet cosmonaut Aleksey Eliseev, veteran of 3 space flights; the first German cosmonaut Sigmund Jähn and German astronaut Thomas Reiter, adviser to the Director General of the European Space Agency (ESA), veteran of 2 space flights (350 days in space).

German cosmonaut Sigmund Jähn (left) and Soviet cosmonaut Aleksey Eliseev (right).


Pavel Izvolskiy, Director of the Russian Centre of Science and Culture (Leiter der Vertretung von Rossotrudnichestvo in Deutschland, Direktor des Russischen Hauses der Wissenschaft und Kultur) opened the festive event.

Soviet cosmonaut Aleksey Eliseev at the opening ceremony.

The first German cosmonaut Sigmund Jähn at the opening ceremony.

German astronaut Thomas Reiter at the opening ceremony.

Igor Rodin, Board member of the European Academy of Philately, was invited to present his Astrophilatelic exhibit and philatelic exhibit on Space thematic devoted to Yuri Gagarin; the 80th birthday anniversary of Valentina Tereshkova, the world first woman-cosmonaut; the 80th birthday anniversary of cosmonaut Sigmund Jähn.

Erhard Engelmann, Chairman of Association of postage stamps Russia / USSR Berlin (Verein der Briefmarkenfreunde Russland/UdSSR Berlin e.V.), is helping to Igor Rodin with his exposition.


Dipl.Kfm.Wolfgang Bauer, President of Berliner Philatelisten-Klub von 1888 e. V., with his wife.

Igor Rodin is telling about his philatelic exposition to cosmonaut Aleksey Eliseev.

Photo by Russischen Hauses der Wissenschaft und Kultur.

German Biber Post prepared souvenir covers. A few covers were autographed by the cosmonauts.

The cover was signed by Soviet cosmonaut Aleksey Eliseev.


The Russian cover was signed by German cosmonaut Sigmund Jähn.


The cover for Igor Rodin was signed by German astronaut Thomas Reiter.


From right to left: Alexander Anisimov, Deputy head of the representation of Rossotrudnichestvo in Germany (stellvertretender Leiter der Vertretung von Rossotrudnichestvo in Deutschland); Pavel Izvolskiy, Head of the representation of Rossotrudnichestvo in Germany, director of the Russian House of Science and Culture (Leiter der Vertretung von Rossotrudnichestvo in Deutschland, Direktor des Russischen Hauses der Wissenschaft und Kultur); German astronaut Thomas Reiter, adviser to the Director General of the European Space Agency (ESA); Aleksey Eliseev, Soviet veteran-cosmonaut; Sigmund Jähn, the first German cosmonaut; Igor Rodin, Board member of the European Academy of Philately.




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