Astrophilatelist - Berlin. Lecture on Astrophilately 

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Lecture on Astrophilately in Berlin.

On January 18, 2016 Berliner Philatelisten-Klub von 1888 e. V. organized its 2707 meeting (Sitzung). The central part of this meeting was a lecture on Astrophilately. President of the club Dipl.Kfm.Wolfgang Bauer invited Capt. Igor Rodin, Chairman of the FIP Section for Astrophilately, to conduct a lecture about Space Mail. The title of the lecture was "Gems of the Soviet / Russian Space Mail".


The meeting of Berliner Philatelisten-Klub von 1888 e. V. took place in a conference hall at the "Sylter Hof Berlin" Hotel.

In the beginning, Igor Rodin demonstrated the "Space Mail" video film made by Sergey Rodin.

Igor Rodin’s “PowerPoint” presentation showed about 100 pictures depicted a wide spectrum of Space Mail.

The lecture was in English with the translation into German performed by Wolfgang Bauer. In some difficult technical terms the direct translation from Russian into German was performed by Torsten Gemsa, Vice-President of the German Space Philately Society (Der Verein Weltraum-Philatelie e.V.).

Wolfgang Bauer thanked Igor Rodin for his lecture.

Photos by Torsten Gemsa, Wolfgang Leupold, Igor Rodin.







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