Astrophilatelist - KAPELRUD, Ingof 

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Sjorakveien 1, NO-4070,
Randaberg, Norway
(+ 47) 51 41 77 66 (home)
(+ 47) 416 98 419 (cellular)
Date of Birth: 22 October 1943
Profession: MSc (Telephone & Computer Science)
Position: Retired
Languages: Norwegian, Scandinavian, English. Some German, French and Dutch
Philatelic Positions:
1979-date President and/or Officer, Stavanger Philatelic Society
1981-1985 Board member, Federation of Norwegian Philatelists
1985-1987 Vice president, Federation of Norwegian Philatelists
1987-1993 President, Federation of Norwegian Philatelists
1992-2000 Bureau member of FIP Section for Astrophilately
1994 Approved FIP Juror in Thematic Philately
1995-2001 President, Federation of European Philatelic Associations (FEPA)
Lifetime Honorary President of FEPA
1996-2008 Bureau member of FIP Thematic Commission
President of Exhibition and Jury Commission of Federation of Norwegian Philatelists
President of Norwegian Thematic Collectors Society
Fellow, Royal Philatelic Society London
Member, Academy of European Philatelist
Philatelic Judging Internationally
1989 Nordic Juror training
1992 Nordia 92 – apprentice
1994 Nordia 94
1994 Philakorea 94 – apprentice
1996 Espamer 96
1996 Istanbul 96
1997 Gdansk 1000
1998 Israel 98
1998 Portugal 98
1999 Bulgaria 99
1999 China 99
2000 Espana 2000 – VP, TL
2000 WIPA 2000 - TL
2001 Euro-Cuprum 2001 – VP, TL
2001 Hafnia 2001 - TL
2001 Nordia 2001
2001 Philanippon 01 – VP, TL
2005 Brno 2005 - TL
2010 Portugal 2010 – TL
International Commissioner tasks
1988 Filacept 88
1990 New Zealand 90
1993 Bangkok 93
1994 Nordia 94
1995 Singapore 95
1996 Istanbul 96
1997 Gdansk 1000
1997 Indepex 97
1997 Norwex 97 – General Commissioner
1998 Ilsapex 98
1999 China 99
2000 Hunphilex 2000
2001 Nordia 2001
2003 Bangkok 2003
2004 Le Salon du Timbre
2006 Espana 2006
2007 Hunfila 2007
2009 China 2009
Updated 19.October 2010

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