Astrophilatelist - Large Gold 

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Beatrice Bachmann’s Large Gold Astrophilatelic exhibit "From the Beginning of Space exploration to Space Mail” is on sale at RAPP Auction.

Mrs. Beatrice Bachmann from Thalwil / Switzerland is the ex-chairman of the FIP Section for Astrophilately. She was the Leader of the Section from 1985 till 2000.

Her exhibit "From the Beginning of Space exploration to Space Mail” obtained its first Gold Medal at ITALIA’85 FIP World-exhibition.

Between 1985 and 1994 it was several times displayed in the Invited Class and Class of Honour at International Aero and Astrophilately exhibitions.

After several times on the level of Gold the exhibit reached the giant step to Large Gold at the PHILAKOREA’94 FIP World Philatelic exhibition, for the first time awarded to Astrophilately, followed by Large Gold awards at the ISTANBUL’95 FIP World Philatelic exhibition, the AVIACION Y ESPACIO’96 FIP Aero-and Astrophilately exhibition in Sevilla and at the ISRAEL’98 FIP World-exhibition.

At the FIP World exhibition ITALIA’98 the exhibit was shown in the Invited Class and at the ESPANA’2000 FIP World Philatelic exhibition the exhibit was invited to the Class of Honour.

At BELGICA’2001 it was accepted in the Championship Class.

At the WASHINGTON’2006 FIP World Philatelic exhibition it was invited to the Class of Honour (Invited Class).

The whole exhibit can be seen here:

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