Astrophilatelist - Romania, 2013 Report. 

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Chairman of Astrophilately Commission of the Romanian Philatelic Federation 2013 Report

• "LibraFila - LitMedFila" - 2013 Philatelic Literature Exhibition

Between 24 to 31 May 2013, the exhibition space on the ground floor of the Central University Library "Lucian Blaga" Cluj-Napoca hosts the international exhibition of philatelic literature Medical LitMedFila 2013 - ed. Fourth, a national exhibition of philatelic literature with international participation organized by the Federation of Philatelists in Romania, Cluj County Philatelists Association and Red Cross Thematic Philately group - Medicine. The exhibition highlights the work in the field of philately represented by catalogs, monographic studies or specialized material distinct branches of philately: postal history, philately traditional thematic maximaphily, Aerophilately, astrophilately, postal stationery, stamps etc. expertise.

• April 2013 - Large Gold and "Best in the Class” – Alec Bartos "Soviet International Manned Spaceflights” Astrophilatelic exhibit – Milanofil 2013

• April 2013 Alec Bartos attended the AstroPhil 2013 exhibition with two exhibits, the competitive "Soviet International Manned Spaceflights” and the noncompetitive "Alec Bartos- space stamp designs” Attended also at the Informal meeting of European delegates to the FIP Astrophilately Section on 14 April 2013

• Astrophilately is a regular subject in the  bi-monthly philatelic magazine "”.

• A stamp issue to celebrate Tereskova’s flight was proposed to Romanian Post but the National Commission in charge with the stamp issues schedule failed in finding a place for it.  

• A close collaboration with the ASITAF  president Umberto Cavallaro supporting the Event "WOMEN AND SPACE”, being organized by AS.IT.AF. to celebrate Valentina Tereshkova by designing the materials of the exhibition and the main exhibit layout.

• 2013 was the year of the first Romanian stamp to be postmarked aboard ISS. The private letter sent by Romanian cosmonaut Dumitru Prunariu franked with the Romanian "Cosmos 2011” special block celebrating Gagarin and Prunariu (design Alec Bartos) travelled to ISS from Prunariu’s hometown and back to Earth.

Alec Bartos


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