Astrophilatelist - Spain, 2013 Report. 

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1.- Conferences, interviews, lectures and presentations.

1.1 Conferences

a)      Mr Grandela conference at Centre of Training and Visitors (CEV) annex to Space Tracking Station NASA-INTA in Robledo de Chavela (Madrid), 8 March, under the title "The woman in the space”.

b)      Talk-presentation of the astrophilatelic exhibit "Skylab-40 aniversario” from Mr. Esteban in the showroom of CEV in Robledo de Chavela, 15 May.

This event, about an hour along, can be seen through the following link:
Also, this event appeared in the following webs:

And too in the blog Mr. Gorsky

c)      Appearance at the end of Newscast 2nd edition 5 August Mr. Grandela in the story (repetition offered by the program "Informe Semanal” TVE, 01.09.12) dedicated to 1st anniversary of the death of Neil Armstrong (05.08.1930-25.08.2012).

d)     Mr. Grandela conference at Palacio Benacazón (Toledo) 17 September under the title "La llegada del hombre a la Luna, narrada por un protagonista” commemorating the foundation of Casa de Melilla in Toledo.

Conference is offered with astrophilatelic support material.

e)      Mr. Rigo conference (in Catalan) in Ateneu Científic, Literari i Artístic de Maó (Menorca) 10 October under the title "Astrofilatèlia: aquesta estranya classe de filatèlia” inside the paralel actitivities held in the exhibition "Exfilmô 2013” from Grup Filatèlic i Numismàtic de l’Ateneu de Maó.

This conference appeared in the blog Col.lecciomania from Grup Filatèlic i del Col.leccionisme de Palma (GFICP)

f)       Mr. Grandela conference in Alicante 16 October under the title "La llegada del hombre a la Luna, narrada por un protagonista” during the exhibition Juvenia 2013.

g)      Mr. Grandela conference in the public school "Rosalía de Castro”, Arganda del Rey (Madrid) 16 November under the title "Viajeros por el Espacio”. 1.2 Interviews (media)

Interview to Mr. Grandela issued 6 March in the TV program from public Spanish channel La 2 La Aventura del Saber.This interview can be seen through the link from web of Madrid Deep Space Complex Centre (MDSCC)

Also can be seen the video in youtube

The program La aventura del saber issued 6 March can be seen complete in the web of  RTVE

1.3 News

ASTROPHIL 2013, Berlin from 12 to 14 April.

In commemoration of 50th anniversary of first woman into space, Valentina Tereskhova, and 35th anniversary of first German cosmonaut, Sigmund Jähn in Berlin were meet several astrocollectors from several European countries, as well as were displayed around thirty astrophilatelic exhibits. Cosmonauts S. Jähn and V. Kovalyonok offered two conferences with a session of signatures at the end. 14 April was dedicated exclusively to Astrophilately. Mr. Rodin (FIP Astrophilately Chairman) and well-known Austrian astrocollector W. Hopferwieser offered two conferences. Event was ended with an informal meeting of Astro delegates with tre presence of Mr. Rigo as Spanish delegate.

This new appeared in the web of FESOFI (news section) and in the blog Col.lecciomania.

1.4  Presentations

Book presentation "Fresnedillas y los hombres de la Luna” Mr. Grandela, 1 february in the Lunar Museum of Fresnedillas de la Oliva (Madrid).

2.- Articles.

a) June 2013. Mr. Rigo review about TU SELLO (Spanish personalized stamps) dedicated to space, published in ORBIT number 98 magazine, from British astro club Astro Space Stamp Society (ASSS).

ORBIT is a quarterly magazine for the members of this club.

b) July 2013. Mr. Rigo: "Sobres de los contratistas”, published in the blog Mr. Gorsky

c) October 2013. Mr. Rigo: "Signatures on astrophilatelic covers: a pure ornament?”, published in AD*ASTRA number 18 magazine, from Italian astro club Associazione Italiana di Astrofilatelia (ASITAF)

AD*ASTRA is a quarterly magazine for the members of this club. Magazine issued in Italian and English.

The Italian version of this article was translated by Mr. Umberto Cavallaro, ASITAF Chairman, with the title "Autografi su buste astrofilateliche: puro elemento decorativo?”.

3.- Presence of the Astrophilately in other events.

From 15 May to 31 August in the Centre of Training and Visitors (CEV) from Robledo de Chavela was shown Mr. Esteban’s exhibit commemorating the 40th anniversary of Skylab launch.


Frames showing the exhibit of Mr. Esteban.

June 2013. Informal meeting in Moscow for current FIP Astrophilately Chairman Mr. Rodin and former FIP Astrophilately Chairman Mr. Grandela.


Several topics about Astrophilately were treated.

This new appeared in the web of Mr. Rodin

4.- Exhibitions.

International category (no competitive)


ROSSICA 2013 Moscow, from 27 to 29 September

GRANDELA DURÁN, José Manuel  "Los cohetes lanzamensajes en la Guerra Civil Española. 1936-1939”

Interantional category (no competitive)

Philatelic Exhibition Russian-Spanish "Las Casas Reales de Rusia y España” Madrid, from 5 to 16 October

 2 Astrophilately exhibits.

National category (competitive)

EXFILNA 2013 León, from 20 to 28 September

Astrophilately Class  ESTEBAN DE LA OSADA, José Miguel "Laboratorio Espacial Spacelab 1983-1998”  

National Youth category (competitive)

JUVENIA 2013 Alicante, from 14 to 20 October

Group A (from 10 to 15 years)  MORENO DE LA SANTA JIMÉNEZ, Álvaro "Misiones Espaciales Soviético/Rusas”  

Regional, Local category (no competitive)

Palma de Mallorca from 9 to 15 September "Exfilpalma 2013”, commemoration of 50 anniversary of FESOFI: "Fesofilla”.

RIGO AGUILO, Antoni   "Marte, el desafío rojo” 

     Antoni Rigo in front of his exhibit of Mars during the "Fesofilla” held in Palma.

Permanent Exhibition

Fresnedillas de la Oliva (Madrid). Lunar Museum. GRANDELA DURAN, José Manuel

Several astrophilatelic covers involved on tracking space station located in Spain.


            E-mail correspondence between Spanish astrophilatelists by submitting astrophilatelic material, holding all kinds of comments, questions, doubts and suggestions, an addressing current issues and history of the Astrophilately.



Given the historical significance that reflects the astrophilatelic material about the exact date and specific location of the space events, is the purpose of this Commission:

a)      VI AVIACION Y ESPACIO (Madrid, from 27 June to 6 July).

This specific exhibition (last issue was in 1996) should be the maximum exponent of Astrophilately class and involving it the rest of points below quoted, take complete sense.

b)      To promote the astrophilatelic exhibits in all types of exhibitions within the philatelic area  (requesting admission to the organizers of these), and non-philatelic area (with special attention to the assembly of the exhibits).

c)      Maintain and enter wherever possible, the kind of Astrophilately as a kind of stamp collectors fully differentiated from the rest.

d)     To extend the knowledge of Astrophilately class disclosing it in so many places as possible, as philatelic and non-philatelic.

e)      To encourage collectors interested in space research to build astrophilatelic exhibits, either in the form of One frame or Three frames, as a prerequisite to get the five frames.

Palma de Mallorca, December 31, 2013

Antoni RIGO

Spanish Astrophilately Chairman

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