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Manned Space Flights. [1027]
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Main » Manned Space Flights.
On August 16, 2010 American astronauts Douglas Wheelock and Tracy Caldwell Dyson completed the third contingency spacewalk to install a spare ammonia pump module on the S1 Truss.
Flight Engineer Shannon Walker assisted the spacewalkers from inside the International Space Station and operated the Canadarm2. Flight Engineers Wheelock and Caldwell Dyson were outside during the third repair spacewalk for 7 hours and 20 minutes.
Category: Manned Space Flights. | Looking through: 1806 | Date: 26.08.2010 | Rating: 0.0/0

NASA astronauts complete 2nd spacewalk to replace ISS coolant pump
On August 11, 2010 American astronauts completed the second of three spacewalks to fix a failed cooling pump on the International Space Station (ISS).
During the spacewalk, which lasted 7 hours and 26 minutes, Expedition 24 Flight Engineers Tracy Caldwell Dyson and Douglas Wheelock removed the failed ammonia coolant pump module.
One of two cooling systems serving the ISS broke down late on July 31, and the crew had shut down several pieces of equipment, including two of the station's four gyroscopes, to cut the heat generated on board.
Category: Manned Space Flights. | Looking through: 1537 | Date: 14.08.2010 | Rating: 0.0/0

On August 07, 2010 American astronauts completed the first of two planned spacewalks to fix a failed cooling pump on the International Space Station (ISS).
It was conducted by Expedition 24 flight engineers Tracy Caldwell Dyson and Douglas Wheelock.
The spacewalk, which lasted for eight hours and three minutes, became the longest ever conducted from the ISS and the sixth longest in human spaceflight history.
One of two cooling systems serving the ISS broke down late on July 31, and the crew had shut down several pieces of equipment, including two of the station's four gyroscopes, to cut th ... Read more »
Category: Manned Space Flights. | Looking through: 1812 | Date: 11.08.2010 | Rating: 0.0/0

Russian cosmonauts performed EVA.
On July 27, 2010 Russian cosmonauts Fiodor Yurchikhin and Mikhail Kornienko performed the extra vehicle activities (EVA – space walk).
The cosmonauts installed a new TV-camera which is to monitor ATV rendezvous and docking to the Zvezda module of the Russian segment of the ISS. They also connected the "Rassvet” module’s control and data harness to the "Zarya” module, and laid Kurs system cabling between the 2 modules (Rassvet and Zarya).
The EVA lasted 6 hours and 43 minutes.
Category: Manned Space Flights. | Looking through: 1749 | Date: 29.07.2010 | Rating: 0.0/0

Progress M-06M launch.
On June 30, 2010 at 15:35 UTC the Russian Progress M-06M unmanned supply spacecraft was launched from Baykonur Cosmodrome.
Photo by Roscosmos.
The space vehicle is to deliver about 2500 kg of supplies to the International Space Station. The Progress M-06M is to dock with the ISS on July 2, 2010.
Category: Manned Space Flights. | Looking through: 1804 | Date: 01.07.2010 | Rating: 0.0/0

Soyuz TMA-19 redocking.
On June 28, 2010 the Soyuz TMA-19 spacecraft was redocked from the Zvezda module to the Rassvet module.
The operation was carried out manually by Soyuz commander, Russian cosmonaut Fyodor Yurchikhin. During the redocking the crew also consisted of American astronauts Shannon Walker and Douglas Wheelock.
Three other crew members- ISS commander Alexander Skvortsov, Mikhail Kornienko, Tracy Caldwell Dyson - were in the station following the redocking ... Read more »
Category: Manned Space Flights. | Looking through: 1669 | Date: 01.07.2010 | Rating: 0.0/0

Soyuz TMA-19 / ISS docking.
On June 17, 2010 at 22:21 UTC (June 18 at 02:21 Moscow time) the Russian "Soyuz TMA-19” spacecraft with three crewmembers on board docked with the International Space Station (ISS), to the aft end docking port of the "Zvezda” service module.
The crew consisted of Russian cosmonaut Fyodor Yurchihin and American astronauts Douglas Wheelock and Shannon Walker.
When the hatches between the spacecraft and the ISS were opened, the three new crewmembers were welcomed by Russian cosmonauts Alexander Skvortsov and Mikhail Korniyenko as well as by U.S. astronaut Tracy Caldwell Dyson who had been aboard the station since April 2010.

Category: Manned Space Flights. | Looking through: 1692 | Date: 20.06.2010 | Rating: 0.0/0

Soyuz TMA-19 launch.
On June 16, 2010 at 01:35 Moscow time (June 15 at 21:35 UTC) the Soyuz TMA-19 spacecraft was launched from Baykonur Cosmodrome.
The Soyuz TMA-19 is commanded by Russian cosmonaut Fyodor Yurchikhin, with NASA’s Shannon Walker and Douglas Wheelock as flight engineers.
Photo by the Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center.
The three crew members are to join their colleagues aboard the International Space Station on June ... Read more »
Category: Manned Space Flights. | Looking through: 1725 | Date: 17.06.2010 | Rating: 0.0/0

Soyuz TMA-17 landing.
On June 2, 2010 at 03:24 UTC the Russian "Soyuz TMA-17” recovery capsule landed on the territory of Kazakhstan in a distance of 148 kilometers to South-East from the city of Dzhezkazgan.
Soyuz TMA-17 Commander, Russian cosmonaut Oleg Kotov; flight-engineer, American astronaut Timothy Creamer and flight-engineer, Japanese astronaut Soichi Noguchi returned to Earth after performing their mission aboard the ISS.
They spent in space 163 days, 5 hours and 32 minutes.
Category: Manned Space Flights. | Looking through: 1724 | Date: 02.06.2010 | Rating: 0.0/0

Soyuz TMA-17 undocked from the ISS.
On June 2, 2010 at 00:04 UTC the "Soyuz TMA-17” spacecraft undocked from the ISS. There are 3 cosmonauts aboard the spacecraft: Commander, Russian cosmonaut Oleg Kotov; flight-engineer, American astronaut Timothy Creamer and flight-engineer, Japanese astronaut Soichi Noguchi.
The spacecraft is to land today at 03:24 UTC on the territory of Kazakhstan.
Category: Manned Space Flights. | Looking through: 1657 | Date: 02.06.2010 | Rating: 0.0/0

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