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Main » 2011 » November » 18
Chinese “Shenzhou-8” capsule returned after docking mission.
On November 17, 2011 at 11:32 UTC the "Shenzhou-8” capsule landed in north China, after completing the country's first-ever space docking mission.
photo by news.cn website
The re-entry module of the spacecraft parachuted down at a landing site in Siziwang Banner (county) in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, marking the end of the 49-day space docking mission.
Launched from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center on Nov. 1, the Shenzhou-8 first rendezvoused and docked with the space lab module Tiangong-1 two days later. The two joint vessels or ... Read more »
Category: Manned Space Flights. | Looking through: 1542 | Date: 18.11.2011 | Rating: 0.0/0

Chinese Shenzhou-8 spacecraft undocked from Tiangong-1 module.
On November 16, 2011at 10:30 UTC the "Shenzhou-8” unmanned spacecraft undocked from the "Tiangong-1” module.
diagram from xinhuanews web
Category: Manned Space Flights. | Looking through: 1631 | Date: 18.11.2011 | Rating: 0.0/0

Shenzhou-8 spacecraft redocking.
On November 14, 2011 China's "Shenzhou-8” unmanned spacecraft performed redocking. At 11:27 UTC the "Shenzhou-8” undocked from the "Tiangong-1” space lab module after a 12-day flight together. At 11:53 UTC the "Shenzhou-8” docked with the "Tiangong-1” space lab module again.
Following the re-docking, the coupled spacecraft will fly together for two more days before the scheduled return of Shenzhou-8 to Earth.
Category: Manned Space Flights. | Looking through: 1540 | Date: 18.11.2011 | Rating: 0.0/0

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