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Main » 2012 » February » 26
Russia launched a Dutch Satellite.
On February 14, 2012 at 19:36 UTC the Russian "Proton-M” rocket-carrier was launched from Baykonur Cosmodrome. The rocket equipped with the "Briz-M” upper stage orbited the Dutch SES-4 (NSS-14) telecommunication satellite.
The blastoff was the 70th commercial launch of a Proton carrier rocket since 1995 under contracts concluded by International Launch Services Inc. (ILS).
The SES-4 is the largest and most powerful in the group of SES satellites, built by U.S. company Space Systems/Loral for the Dutch operator SES World Skies, which is now a subsidiary of Luxemburg-based SES S.A. It was designed to provide various satellite services to customers in the Middle East, Europe, Africa and Latin America. The 5.8-ton satellite has a life span of 15 years.
Looking through: 1814 | Date: 26.02.2012 | Rating: 0.0/0

The first launch of “Vega” rocket.
On February 13, 2012 at 10:00 UTC the first "Vega” rocket was launched from the Kourou spaceport in French Guiana, successfully injecting nine satellites into orbit and inaugurating a new capability in Europe's growing launcher family.
The payload consisted of two Italian satellites - ASI’s LARES laser relativity satellite and the University of Bologna’s ALMASat-1 - as well as seven picosatellites provided by European universities: e-Star (Italy), Goliat (Romania), MaSat-1 (Hungary), PW-Sat (Poland), Robusta (France), UniCubeSat GG (Italy) and Xatcobeo (Spain).
Vega is compatible with payload masses ranging from 300 kg to 2,500 kg, depending on the type and altitude of the orbit required by the customers. Arianespace started work on the vehicle in 2003 with ELV SpA (Italy) being the lead manufacturer. ... Read more »
Looking through: 1526 | Date: 26.02.2012 | Rating: 0.0/0

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