On April 12, 2016 the Russian Federal Communications Agency issued the postal stationery (a post card) devoted to the 50th Anniversary of the launch of the “Luna-10” space probe to Moon.
Total edition is 30 000 post cards.
The card was postmarked with the special official cancellation also devoted to the 50th Anniversary of the launch of the “Luna-10”. The postal cancellation was organized in Moscow (post code 101 000); Baykonur Cosmodrome (post code 468 320); the town of Khimki, Moscow region (post code 141 402), the place where the “Luna-10” was made. The “Luna-10” space probe also called “Lunik-10” was launched on March 31, 1966 from Baykonur Cosmodrome. It was the first artificial satellite of the Moon. Although the card issue and the postal cancellations are devoted to the launch Anniversary of “Luna-10”, the postal cancellation was conducted on April 12 instead of March 31, the real date of lift off. Attachments: |