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Main » 2015 » November » 2 » Francis Kiddle passed away.

Francis Kiddle passed away.

We regret to inform you of the death of Francis Kiddle at his home in Fleet on October 21.

Francis Kiddle worked in the space industry, retiring in 1997, as Assistant Director of Space Technology Research, at the Defence Evaluation and Research Agency in the United Kingdom. Since 1996 till 2000 he was the Secretary of the FIP Section for Astrophilately. His philatelic contributions include: 1977 Council Member of the Royal Philatelic Society London; 1979-1994 Honorary Librarian of the Royal Philatelic Society London; 1994-1996 President of the Royal Philatelic Society London; 1996-2005 Chairman of the British Philatelic Trust; 2000-2008 Chairman of the FIP Philatelic Literature Commission; 2001 Royal Mail Lifetime Achievement Award; 2006 Signed the Roll of Distinguished Philatelists; 2006 U.S.A. Smithsonian Museum Lifetime Achievement Award; 2008-2015 Chairman of the FIP Revenue Commission; 2009 Honorary Fellowship Royal Philatelic Society London; 2012 The Lichtenstein Award. He was many times a philatelic judge at FIP Exhibitions and at exhibitions in the United Kingdom and elsewhere in the world, and was Curator of the Perkins Bacon Archive held by the Royal Philatelic Society London until his death. He was a great friend to philately, and philatelists everywhere, and will be sorely missed.

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