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Main » 2021 » February » 7 » From Antarctica to Space Station!!!

From Antarctica to Space Station!!!

For the first time the registered letter sent from Antarctica was delivered to a space station.

This letter was sent by registered mail from Port Lockroy. Port Lockroy is a bay forming a natural harbour on the north-western shore of Wiencke Island in the Palmer Archipelago in front of the Antarctic Peninsula. The Antarctic base with the same name, situated on Goudier Island in this bay, includes the most southerly operational post office in the world. The post office operated by the United Kingdom Antarctic Heritage Trust. The registered letter was paid with postage stamps of the British Antarctic Territory. So, it was for the first time when the registered letter with postage stamps of the British Antarctic Territory travelled to space.

The letter was sent from Port Lockroy to Moscow. Then it was handed over to be put into the Soyuz MS-16 spacecraft and was delivered to the ISS. Soyuz MS-16 docked to ISS on 09 April 2020.

The letters were written by the Port Lockroy’s team. Four people man the outpost each year throughout the 'austral summer' (November to March). They help count the penguins, clean up bird poo, man the Post Office and run a gift shop at Port Lockroy. An entirely new team goes out each year. This year (November 2020 to March 2021) is the first year since 1993 that the team hasn't been to Port Lockroy to look after the historic sites. Only 4 such letters were sent from Port Lockroy and delivered to the ISS.

Category: Space Mail | Views: 804 | Added by: Skyflyer | Tags: | Rating: 0.0/0 | |
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