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Main » 2021 » May » 13 » New official post mark of Russian Post aboard the ISS.

New official post mark of Russian Post aboard the ISS.

A new official board post mark of the Russian Post is on board the International Space Station.


Highly likely, 07 December 2020 was the last date of the using of the old official Russian Post. Board of ISS. Russian Segment.” round board post mark. The “year” figures in the date setting mechanism were made only till “20”. So, it was impossible to use the post mark in 2021. The new official “Russian Post. Board of ISS. Russian Segment.” round board post mark was delivered to the ISS in 2021. The main differences between the “old” and the new board post marks:

1) The size. The new board post mark is a little smaller than the “old” one.

2) The “old” board post mark had 6 figures in the date setting mechanism: dd mm yy – dd (day), mm (month), yy (year). The new one has 8 figures in the date setting mechanism: dd mm yy tt – dd (day), mm (month), yy (year), tt (time).

3) The 2 stars in the “old” board post mark had 8 rays in each star. The 2 stars in the new board post mark have 6 rays in each star.

Category: Space Mail | Views: 1076 | Added by: Skyflyer | Tags: | Rating: 0.0/0 | |
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