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Main » 2019 » June » 17 » Russian cosmonauts performed EVA.

Russian cosmonauts performed EVA.

On May 29, 2019, Russian cosmonauts Oleg Kononenko and Aleksey Ovchinin performed the extra vehicle activities (EVA – spacewalk). The cosmonauts sent birthday greetings to Soviet veteran-cosmonaut Aleksey Leonov, the first man to walk in space. A few minutes after floating outside, the cosmonauts paused to send the birthday greetings to cosmonaut Leonov, who turns 85 on May 30. The “Roscosmos” Russian space declared that the spacewalk was dedicated to Leonov, “the man who first took a step into the unknown and found himself one-on-one with unlimited outer space.” O.Kononenko and A.Ovchinin wore placards on their spacesuit backpacks, one saying “Leonov No. 1” and the other “Happy Birthday, Alexey Arkhipovich.” After that the spacewalkers began working through a checklist of maintenance work that called for installation of handrails, retrieval of materials science space exposure experiments, window cleaning and work to jettison no-longer-needed experiment hardware. The EVA lasted 6 hours and 01 minute. It was the 5th EVA for Kononenko and the 1st for Ovchinin.

Category: Manned Space Flights. | Views: 720 | Added by: Skyflyer | Tags: | Rating: 0.0/0 | |
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