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Main » 2012 » March » 26 » Russian rocket orbited a US satellite.

Russian rocket orbited a US satellite.
On March 25, 2012 at 12:10 UTC the «Proton-M” rocket-carrier was launched from Baykonur Cosmodrome. The rocket equipped the "Briz-M” booster orbited the American "Intelsat-22” communication satellite.
In according to a mission profile, Intelsat-22 was injected to a super-synchronous separation orbit with a 65000 km apogee altitude.
The contract for this Proton launch was signed by the joint Russia/USA company, International Launch Services Inc. (ILS). For ILS it was the 71th commercial Proton launch. Intelsat-22 was built by Boeing Space and Intelligence Systems for Intelsat Ltd., which operates the world's most extensive satellite network, comprising over 50 satellites.
The satellite will provide telecommunications services to customers in Africa, South-East Asia, and the Middle East. Intelsat-22 also carries UHF payload under a 167 million USD contract with the Australian Defense Ministry.
The Proton launch vehicle and its upper stage, the Breeze M, were made by the Russian Khrunichev Space Center. It was the 15th Proton launch with a Boeing Satellite Systems on board, and Intelsat 22 became the 10th satellite in the global Intelsat fleet launched by ILS Proton.
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