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Main » 2021 » October » 9 » Russian “Soyuz MS-19” spacecraft docked to the ISS.

Russian “Soyuz MS-19” spacecraft docked to the ISS.

On October 5, 2021 at 12:22 UTC, the Russian "Soyuz MS-19” spacecraft docked with the Russian “Rassvet” module of the International Space Station. The spacecraft delivered 3 Russian crew members to the ISS - cosmonaut Anton Shkaplerov; spaceflight-participant, film director Klim Shipenko and spaceflight-participant, actress Yulia Peresild. The new comers joined current ISS Expedition 65 members – Russian cosmonauts Oleg Novickiy and Pyotr Dubrov; American astronauts Mark Vande Hei, Robert Kimbrough and Katherine Megan McArthur; Japanese astronaut Akihiko Hoshide; French astronaut Thomas Pesquet. The 10 crew members will work together till October 17, 2021. Klim Shipenko will have to shoot about 35-40 minutes of film on board the ISS, as well as taking on the position of director, operator, art director, and makeup artist. Oleg Novitsky and Pyotr Dubrov will appear in the film, with Dubrov and Mark Vande Hei assisting in the production. Shkaplerov will appear in some scenes of the movie. Oleg Novickiy, Klim Shipenko and Yulia Peresild will return to Earth aboard the Russian "Soyuz MS-18” spacecraft on October 17, 2021.

Category: Manned Space Flights. | Views: 698 | Added by: Skyflyer | Tags: | Rating: 0.0/0 | |
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