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Main » 2019 » September » 6 » Soyuz MS-13 redocking.

Soyuz MS-13 redocking.

On August 26, 2019 the “Soyuz MS-13” was successfully redocked from the "Zvezda” module to the Russian “Poisk” module. The operations were carried out manually by Soyuz commander, Russian cosmonaut Alexander Skvortsov. During the operations on board the Soyuz MS-13 there were also flight engineers, American astronaut Andrew Morgan and Italian astronaut Luca Parmitano. The undocking command was issued at 03:35 UTC. The Soyuz departed from the station, flew around it, and docked to the "Poisk” module at 03:59 UTC. The “Soyuz MS-13” was relocated to a new docking port of the ISS to clear a spot for the unpiloted “Soyuz MS-14” spaceship to attempt another automated approach and docking to the space complex after aborting its first rendezvous. The automated docking system on the “Poisk” module is no longer working, according to Russian engineers. The unpiloted Soyuz MS-14 spacecraft tried to dock with the “Poisk” module on August 24, but had to abort the rendezvous after it was unable to lock onto its target from a distance of about 90 meters.

Category: Manned Space Flights. | Views: 765 | Added by: Skyflyer | Tags: | Rating: 0.0/0 | |
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