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Main » 2011 » April » 8 » Soyuz TMA-21 docked with the ISS.

Soyuz TMA-21 docked with the ISS.
On April 06, 2011 at 23:09 UTC (April 07 at 03:09 Moscow time) the Soyuz TMA-21 spacecraft successfully docked to the International Space Station. The "Yuri Gagarin” spacecraft docked to the "Poisk” (MRM-2) module.
The spacecraft delivered a crew of Expedition 27 increment.

Two Russian cosmonauts, Aleksandr Samokutyayev and Andrei Borisenko, and American astronaut Ronald Garan, are supposed to stay in orbit for five months. The hatches between the spacecraft and the station were opened at 02:15 UTC on April 07. Aboard the station the newcomers were met by their colleges, Russian cosmonaut Dmitry Kondratyev, Italian astronaut Paolo Nespoli and American astronaut Catherine Coleman who had been on board the station since last December.
The 6-member crew is expected to conduct from space the special jubilee events dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the first manned space flight.
Russian cosmonaut, Aleksandr Samokutyayev began the 200th person entered the ISS. Andrei Borisenko – the 201st one.
Category: Manned Space Flights. | Views: 1638 | Added by: Skyflyer | Tags: | Rating: 0.0/0 | |
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