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The HTV Berthing is in Astrophilately.

On September 18, 2009 the Japanese HTV unmanned supply spacecraft was successfully berthed at the International Space Station (ISS) at 10:49 a.m. Japan Standard Time, JST (on September 17 at 22:49 UTC).

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Category: Space Mail | Looking through: 1786 | Date: 07.01.2010 | Rating: 5.0/2

From Bulgaria 2009 to the ISS.

Progress M-67 up-to-the station letter.
The letter, sent from the Bulgaria 2009 European philatelic exhibition from Sofia by registered mail, was addressed to cosmonaut Roman Romanenko to the ISS.
The letter was sent to the home address of Russian cosmonaut-veteran Yuri Romanenko, the father of cosmonaut Roman Romanenko. Then the letter was delivered to the ISS by Progress M-67 unmanned supply spacecraft.
Category: Space Mail | Looking through: 1987 | Date: 19.12.2009 | Rating: 5.0/3

Expedition 20 Space Mail souvenir.

On May 29, 2009 the ISS crew began to consist of 6 members for the first time. At that day Soyuz TMA-15 spacecraft with 3 cosmonauts aboard docked with the ISS.
Russian cosmonaut Roman Romanenko, Belgium astronaut Frank De Winne and Canadian astronaut Robert Thirsk arrived to the station to work together with Russian cosmonaut Gennadiy Padalka, American astronaut ... Read more »
Category: Space Mail | Looking through: 1934 | Date: 19.12.2009 | Rating: 4.6/5

SoyuzTMA-14/ISS flown covers.

In October 2009 during the changing of Expeditions 20 and 21, the cosmonauts postmarked several dozens covers aboard the station. A number of covers were cancelled on October 05, 2009. These covers were delivered from the ISS to Earth by the Russian SoyuzTMA-14 spacecraft.

Category: Space Mail | Looking through: 1814 | Date: 08.11.2009 | Rating: 5.0/1

One more example of ATV flown covers.

In according to the agreement between Russian Space Agency and ESA (European Space Agency), the Russian members of Expedition 17, cosmonauts Sergey Volkov and Oleg Kononenko marked 25 ATV covers with the ISS octagonal board seal and autographed them. There were the covers numbered from 0001 till 0025. More information about the ATV flown covers see at http://www.astrophil.ucoz.ru/news/atv_flown_covers/2009-09-24-52
Category: Space Mail | Looking through: 2113 | Date: 08.11.2009 | Rating: 5.0/3

Russian Post confirmed the official status of the new board post mark.
In September 2009 Mr. Igor Rodin, Chairman of the FIP Section for Astrophilately addressed to Mr. Aleksander Kiselev, the General Director of the Russian Post, with the request to clarify the status of the board mark delivered to the ISS in October 2008.

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Category: Space Mail | Looking through: 25791 | Date: 09.10.2009 | Rating: 5.0/3

ATV flown covers.

Total 1200 such covers were delivered to the ISS by ATV Jules Verne.

ATV – Automated Transfer Vehicle (unmanned supply spacecraft).
The covers traveled the following way:
• In October 2007 they were put into the CTB#1449 at Thales Alenia Space plant (Italy) in order to fly with the ATV Jules Verne up to the ISS. CTB – Cargo Transfer Bag.
• In early December 2007 the CTB#1449 was put on board the ATV.
• On March 9, 2008 the ATV Jules Verne was launched by Arian 5 E ... Read more »

Category: Space Mail | Looking through: 2748 | Date: 24.09.2009 | Rating: 4.7/3

STS-127 on the way back letter.

The letter was written aboard the ISS by Russian cosmonaut Roman Romanenko.

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Category: Space Mail | Looking through: 2146 | Date: 09.09.2009 | Rating: 5.0/4

Official Post Mark (Cancellation) aboard the ISS!!!

On Oc ... Read more »
Category: Space Mail | Looking through: 2195 | Date: 05.09.2009 | Rating: 5.0/4

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