On December 7, 2011 Chairman of the FIP Section for Astrophilately, Igor Rodin had a meeting with Russian cosmonaut Aleksandr Samokutyayev.
The meeting took place in Star city (Zvyozdny gorodok). Cosmonaut Samokutyayev who had spent in space 164 days and had returned to Earth on September 16, 2011, told about his mission aboard the ISS as well as about Astrophilatelic activities during his space flight.
The cosmonaut postmarked covers aboard the ISS in the frames of so-called symbolic activities in according to the request of Russian Space Agency as well as the "Energy” Space Corporation. Aleksandr Samokutyayev handed over 2 flown covers to Igor Rodin’s collecti
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Category: Space Mail |
Looking through: 2031 |
Date: 08.12.2011
| Rating: 0.0/0
The Russian "Soyuz TMA-21” spacecraft named after Yuri Gagarin delivered to Earth several letters.
This letter was written by Russian cosmonaut Sergey Volkov and addressed to Sergey Rodin.
Aboard the International Space Station the letter was marked with the following seals: the "Russian Post. ISS. Russian Segment” round board post mark and the "Russian Segment of International Space Station” board souvenir seal both dated September 16, 2011, the day when the Russian SoyuzTMA-21 spacecraft undocked from the ISS. The letter was also marked with the "ISS” octagonal board souvenir seal.
On November 5 the letter was sent by registered mail from Russian cosmonaut training centre
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Category: Space Mail |
Looking through: 1910 |
Date: 20.11.2011
| Rating: 5.0/1
The last in the history Space Shuttle flight lasted from July 08 till July 21, 2011.
This flown cover was postmarked aboard the International Space Station on July 10, 2011 at the day when the "Atlantis” American Space Shuttle (STS-135 flight)dockedwith the International Space Station.
On January 27, 2011 at 14:45 UTC the Japanese HTV-2 (Kounotori - Japanese for "white stork"), unmanned supply spacecraft was docked to the ISS.
The ISS crew marked this event by canceling several covers with the board postmark dated the day of HTV docking.
It is necessary to remark that the covers were not delivered by the HTV. The covers were delivered to the ISS and then back to earth by a Russian cosmonaut aboard a Soyuz TMA spacecraft.
More details about HTV-2 docking may be read HERE.
Category: Space Mail |
Looking through: 1865 |
Date: 21.08.2011
| Rating: 5.0/3
This letter sent from Portugal 2010 World Philatelic Exhibition was delivered to the International Space Station by the "Progress M-09M” unmanned supply spacecraft.
The letter was written and sent from Lisbon to Moscow on October 10, 2010 at the day when the 71st FIP Congress took place in the frames of the PORTUGAL’2010. Aboard the station the letter was cancelled with the official board post mark dated January 30, 2011, the day when the "Progress M-09M” spacecraft docked to the ISS.
Category: Space Mail |
Looking through: 1783 |
Date: 04.06.2011
| Rating: 5.0/3
The Russian "Soyuz TMA-20” spacecraft which landed on May 24 delivered several letters to Earth. One of the letters is addressed to our webmaster Sergey Rodin.
The letter was written by Russian cosmonaut Aleksandr Samokutyaev. The letter was cancelled with official board post mark dated May 24, 2011, the day when the "Soyuz TMA-20” spacecraft undocked from the ISS. Russian cosmonaut Aleksandr Samokutyaev has been working aboard the ISS since April 06, 2011 till now.
First this letter was postmarked in the Philatelic Shop in Vienna, Austria. In Austria the letter was postmarked on 6 May 2010. It is the birthday of Russian cosmonaut A.Skvortsov, the addressee of this letter.
Then it was sent to the International Space Station. The letter was delivered to the station by the Soyuz TMA-19 spacecraft. Aboard the station the letter was marked with all proper board seals, including the ISS official board post mark dated 18 June 2010, the day when the Soyuz TMA-19 spacecraft docked to
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Category: Space Mail |
Looking through: 2277 |
Date: 31.10.2010
| Rating: 5.0/2
This letter was written aboard the International Space Station and delivered to Earth by the Soyuz TMA-17 spacecraft.
Aboard the station the letter was marked with all proper board seals, including the ISS official board post mark dated 02 June 2010, the day when the Soyuz TMA-17 spacecraft undocked from the ISS.
Category: Space Mail |
Looking through: 1736 |
Date: 31.10.2010
| Rating: 5.0/2
This letter was written at the Central Post Office in Dubai, U.A.E on August 25, 2009.
It was addressed to Russian cosmonaut Roman Romanenko to the International Space Station. On October 2, 2009 the letter was delivered to the addressee by the Russian Soyuz TMA-16 spacecraft.
Aboard the station the letter was cancelled
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Category: Space Mail |
Looking through: 2476 |
Date: 23.03.2010
| Rating: 5.0/3
In August-September 2009 American space shuttle STS-128 performed its mission at the International Space Station.
The STS-128 crew delivered several letters addressed to Russian cosmonaut Roman Romanenko, a member of Expedition 20.
First this letter was sent from Vienna, Austria to Houston, USA by registered mail.
The most interesting is that the letter addressed to the International Space Station was sent at the day of the 40th anniversary of the first manned step onto the Moon surface, on July 21, 2009, in according to European time. When ... Read more »
Category: Space Mail |
Looking through: 1938 |
Date: 28.02.2010
| Rating: 5.0/2